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#> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.3

Connecting to realtime data

When connecting to the Hydrology Data Explorer, data are only updated at set intervals. This can result in a data gap of up to a month. If you wish to pad out his data, we can connect to the the real time flood data API. This can be done in the loadAPI() function by adding the argument rtExt = TRUE.

bewdF <- loadAPI(
  ID = "2001",
  measure = "flow",
  period = 900,
  type = "instantaneous",
  datapoints = "range",
  from = "2022-10-01 00:00", 
  rtExt = TRUE)
plot <- bewdF$hydroYearDay()$plot(wrap = FALSE)
#>  Calculating hydrological year and day Calculating hydrological year and day [942ms]
plot + geom_vline(xintercept = bewdF$data$dateTime[39000],
                  colour = "red", 
                  linewidth = 1.1,
                  linetype = "dashed")