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The loadAPI function is used to interogate the EAs API. Data for all station can be pulled, or when specified to a single site various datasets can be pulled.


  ID = NULL,
  measure = NULL,
  period = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  datapoints = "standard",
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  lat = NULL,
  long = NULL,
  easting = NULL,
  northing = NULL,
  dist = NULL,
  obsProperty = NULL,
  meta = TRUE,
  rtExt = FALSE,
  rtLookup = FALSE



Use to specify a particular WISKI ID or for when downloading all stations 'wiski' or 'nrfa' to filter results. Additionally to access the real time APIs use "flood" for all critical sites and "tidal" for the category A tide gauges.


Use this when exporting observations to select the available parameter. Generally 'flow', 'level', or 'groundwater'


This is so you can select the time steps available, generally 900 (15 min) or 86400 (daily)


Selects the data type, instantaneous, min, max etc.


Allows you to decide where in the time series you are pulling the data from


First time step of choice


Last time step of choice


Latitude coordinate for when searching by geographic area


Longitude coordinate for when searching by geographic area


Easting coordinate for when searching by geographic area


Northing coordinate for when searching by geographic area


Distance in km for how far you wish to search


Used to filter the stations when identifying sites. Available metrics; "waterFlow", "waterLevel", "rainfall", "groundwaterLevel", "wind", "temperature", "ammonium", "dissolved-oxygen", "conductivity", "ph", "temperature", "turbidity", "nitrate", "chlorophyll", "salinity", "bga", "fdom"


Set as TRUE, exports metadata for gauge with the data request


Set to NULL, if TRUE hydrological data series are extended with the real time API


Set as FALSE, this uses an inbuilt dataset, if set to TRUE this will update the table using the most recent data. However, this can dramatically increase the run time.


Various outputs see vignettes



loadAPI(easting = 378235, northing = 276165, dist = 30, ID = "nrfa")
#>    wiskiID        label      riverName observedProperty easting northing
#>     <char>       <char>         <char>           <char>   <int>    <int>
#> 1:    2001      Bewdley   River Severn       waterLevel  378235   276165
#> 2:    2001      Bewdley   River Severn        waterFlow  378235   276165
#> 3:    2034  Oak Cottage   Dowles Brook       waterLevel  377105   276425
#> 4:    2034  Oak Cottage   Dowles Brook        waterFlow  377105   276425
#> 5:    2063    Prestwood    River Stour        waterFlow  386705   286155
#> 6:    2193 Wards Bridge   Hadley Brook        waterFlow  387025   263145
#> 7:    2011 Harford Hill River Salwarpe       waterLevel  386865   261935
#> 8:    2011 Harford Hill River Salwarpe        waterFlow  386865   261935
#>         lat      long dateOpened catchmentArea nrfaStationID
#>       <num>     <num>     <char>         <num>        <char>
#> 1: 52.38307 -2.321186 1921-04-01        4325.0         54001
#> 2: 52.38307 -2.321186 1921-04-01        4325.0         54001
#> 3: 52.38536 -2.337805 1971-08-24          40.8         54034
#> 4: 52.38536 -2.337805 1971-08-24          40.8         54034
#> 5: 52.47315 -2.197148 1972-08-01          89.9         54063
#> 6: 52.26630 -2.191539 1987-12-10          53.0         54096
#> 7: 52.25542 -2.193836 1960-12-19         184.0         54011
#> 8: 52.25542 -2.193836 1960-12-19         184.0         54011

loadAPI(ID = "L1207")
#>    measure period          type
#>     <char>  <int>        <char>
#> 1:   level  86400           max
#> 2:   level  86400           min
#> 3:   level    900 instantaneous

  ID = "L1207",
  measure = "level",
  period = 900,
  type = "instantaneous",
  datapoints = "earliest"
#>  Compiling parameters for raw download
#>  Compiling parameters for raw download [134ms]
#>  Downloading raw data
#>  Downloading raw data [104ms]
#>  Collating metadata
#>  Collating metadata [234ms]
#>  Exporting data to HydroImport container
#>  Exporting data to HydroImport container [41ms]
#> ── Class: HydroImport ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Metadata: ──
#> Data Type: Raw Import
#> Station name: Todmorden Salford
#> WISKI ID: L1207
#> Parameter Type: Level
#> Modifications: NA
#> Start: 2003-03-09
#> End: 2003-03-09
#> Time Step: NA
#> Observations: 1
#> Easting: 393380
#> Northing: 423770
#> Longitude: -2.101764
#> Latitude: 53.710296
#> ── Observed data: ──
#>      dateTime value quality
#>        <POSc> <num>  <char>
#> 1: 2003-03-09 0.811    Good
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()

dt <- loadAPI(
  ID = "L1207",
  measure = "level",
  period = 900,
  type = "instantaneous",
  datapoints = "all"
#>  Compiling parameters for raw download
#>  Compiling parameters for raw download [149ms]
#>  Downloading raw data
#>  Downloading raw data [28.8s]
#>  Collating metadata
#>  Collating metadata [210ms]
#>  Exporting data to HydroImport container
#>  Exporting data to HydroImport container [21ms]

with(dt$data, plot(value ~ dateTime,
  type = "l",
  xlab = "Time",
  ylab = "Stage (mAoD)"