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The rainSep() function uses run length encoding to find consecutive rainfall periods. To avoid brief timesteps of no rain from splitting events, the use of RcppRoll::roll_sum() can pad out the event d urations.


rainSep(dateTime = NULL, precip = NULL, threshold = 0, minTotal = 0, roll = 0)



DateTime variable from time series.


Observed rainfall data.


Used to tidy averaged and radar data where very low accumulations can be recorded, defaults to 0mm.


Used to help tidy the total number of events. Sets a minimum event total rainfall.


Number of time steps so use in the RcppRoll::roll_sum().


Function returns a data table with event ID, start and end times of the events, and the total accumulation for the events


## No accumulation applied, minimum total set to 2mm
rainSep(dateTime = chesterton$data$dateTime,
      precip = chesterton$data$value,
      threshold = 0,
      minTotal = 2,
      roll = 0)
#>         id               start                 end total
#>      <int>              <POSc>              <POSc> <num>
#>   1:     1 2011-01-07 08:30:00 2011-01-07 10:00:00   6.5
#>   2:     2 2011-01-11 02:15:00 2011-01-11 03:00:00   2.0
#>   3:     3 2011-01-13 20:30:00 2011-01-13 22:15:00   5.0
#>   4:     4 2011-02-19 06:45:00 2011-02-19 08:30:00   4.0
#>   5:     5 2011-02-26 00:30:00 2011-02-26 01:15:00   3.0
#>  ---                                                    
#> 861:   861 2022-09-09 14:30:00 2022-09-09 14:45:00   8.4
#> 862:   862 2022-09-09 15:30:00 2022-09-09 16:15:00   6.0
#> 863:   863 2022-09-26 10:00:00 2022-09-26 10:15:00   3.6
#> 864:   864 2022-09-30 14:15:00 2022-09-30 17:00:00   5.8
#> 865:   865 2022-09-30 18:00:00 2022-09-30 19:30:00   3.8

## 2 hr rolling accumulation
rainSep(dateTime = chesterton$data$dateTime,
        precip = chesterton$data$value,
        threshold = 0,
        roll = 8)
#>          id               start                 end total
#>       <int>              <POSc>              <POSc> <num>
#>    1:     1 2011-01-01 11:15:00 2011-01-01 13:00:00   0.5
#>    2:     2 2011-01-05 12:15:00 2011-01-05 15:00:00   1.0
#>    3:     3 2011-01-07 07:30:00 2011-01-07 10:45:00   6.5
#>    4:     4 2011-01-07 16:30:00 2011-01-07 18:30:00   1.5
#>    5:     5 2011-01-08 04:30:00 2011-01-08 06:15:00   0.5
#>   ---                                                    
#> 3069:  3069 2022-09-26 17:45:00 2022-09-26 19:45:00   0.6
#> 3070:  3070 2022-09-29 02:15:00 2022-09-29 06:15:00   1.6
#> 3071:  3071 2022-09-30 00:45:00 2022-09-30 02:30:00   0.2
#> 3072:  3072 2022-09-30 13:15:00 2022-09-30 20:15:00   9.6
#> 3073:  3073 2022-09-30 21:45:00 2022-09-30 23:30:00   0.2

## Window plots
plot(chesterton$data$dateTime[1:200000], chesterton$data$value[1:200000],
     ylim = rev(range(chesterton$data$value[1:200000], na.rm = TRUE)),
     type = 'h', ylab = "Rainfall (mm)", xlab = "Date Time")
dayRain <- rainSep(dateTime = chesterton$data$dateTime[1:200000],
                   precip = chesterton$data$value[1:200000],
                   threshold = 0,
                   minTotal = 4,
                   roll = 20)
for (i in seq_along(dayRain$id)){
  polygon(x = c(dayRain$start[i], dayRain$start[i], dayRain$end[i],
          y = c(0, 12, 12, 0),
          col = scales::alpha('red', 0.5),
          border = NA)
lines(chesterton$data$dateTime[1:200000], chesterton$data$value[1:200000])