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This acts as a wrapper function for all the aggregation functions that sit within riskyData


dataAgg(x = NULL, type = NULL, method = NULL)



A data.table that sits within an R6 HydroImport object


Set the aggregation level to either hourly', 'daily', 'monthly', 'annual', or 'hydroYear'


Available aggregation methods include 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', and 'sum'


Aggregated dataset determined from the input type and method. Data are placed within a HydroAggs type container


# Load bewdley dataset

# Calculate mean hourly flows
bewdley$dataAgg(type = "hourly", method = "mean")
#>  Allocating function riskyData::hourlyAgg
#>  Allocating function riskyData::hourlyAgg [74ms]
#>  Computing hourly mean
#>  Computing hourly mean [14s]
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container [52ms]
#> ── Class: HydroAggs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Private: ──
#> Data Type: Aggregated - hourly mean
#> Station name: Bewdley
#> WISKI ID: 2001
#> Data Type: Flow
#> Modifications: hourly mean
#> Start: 2008-10-01 9
#> End: 2022-10-01 8
#> Time Step: Hourly Unstable
#> Easting: 378235
#> Northing: 276165
#> Longitude: -2.321186
#> Latitude: 52.383072
#> ── Public: ──
#>              dateTime hourlyMean
#>                <char>      <num>
#>      1:  2008-10-01 9     25.500
#>      2: 2008-10-01 10     25.750
#>      3: 2008-10-01 11     25.800
#>      4: 2008-10-01 12     25.725
#>      5: 2008-10-01 13     25.725
#>     ---                         
#> 122708:  2022-10-01 4     11.150
#> 122709:  2022-10-01 5     11.300
#> 122710:  2022-10-01 6     11.675
#> 122711:  2022-10-01 7     11.800
#> 122712:  2022-10-01 8     11.650
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()

# Calculate median daily flows
bewdley$dataAgg(type = "daily", method = "median")
#>  Allocating function riskyData::dailyAgg
#>  Allocating function riskyData::dailyAgg [32ms]
#>  Computing daily median
#>  Computing daily median [331ms]
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container [19ms]
#> ── Class: HydroAggs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Private: ──
#> Data Type: Aggregated - daily median
#> Station name: Bewdley
#> WISKI ID: 2001
#> Data Type: Flow
#> Modifications: daily median
#> Start: 2008-10-01
#> End: 2022-10-01
#> Time Step: Daily Unstable
#> Easting: 378235
#> Northing: 276165
#> Longitude: -2.321186
#> Latitude: 52.383072
#> ── Public: ──
#>         dateTime dailyMedian
#>           <Date>       <num>
#>    1: 2008-10-01       25.80
#>    2: 2008-10-02       69.80
#>    3: 2008-10-03       62.70
#>    4: 2008-10-04       95.50
#>    5: 2008-10-05      122.00
#>   ---                       
#> 5110: 2022-09-27       10.30
#> 5111: 2022-09-28       10.60
#> 5112: 2022-09-29       11.55
#> 5113: 2022-09-30       11.20
#> 5114: 2022-10-01       11.30
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()

# Calculate min
bewdley$dataAgg(type = "monthly", method = "min")
#>  Allocating function riskyData::monthlyAgg
#>  Allocating function riskyData::monthlyAgg [17ms]
#>  Computing monthly min
#>  Computing monthly min [582ms]
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container [20ms]
#> ── Class: HydroAggs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Private: ──
#> Data Type: Aggregated - monthly min
#> Station name: Bewdley
#> WISKI ID: 2001
#> Data Type: Flow
#> Modifications: monthly min
#> Start: 2008 10
#> End: 2022 10
#> Time Step: Monthly Unstable
#> Easting: 378235
#> Northing: 276165
#> Longitude: -2.321186
#> Latitude: 52.383072
#> ── Public: ──
#>      dateTime Monthly_Min
#>        <char>       <num>
#>   1:  2008 10       25.30
#>   2:  2008 11       49.40
#>   3:  2008 12       37.30
#>   4:   2009 1       21.10
#>   5:   2009 2       27.30
#>  ---                     
#> 165:   2022 6        8.60
#> 166:   2022 7        8.40
#> 167:   2022 8        7.91
#> 168:   2022 9        7.99
#> 169:  2022 10       11.10
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()

# Calculate annual (calendar year) max
bewdley$dataAgg(type = "annual", method = "max")
#>  Allocating function riskyData::annualAgg
#>  Allocating function riskyData::annualAgg [33ms]
#>  Computing annual max
#>  Computing annual max [84ms]
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container [28ms]
#> ── Class: HydroAggs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Private: ──
#> Data Type: Aggregated - annual max
#> Station name: Bewdley
#> WISKI ID: 2001
#> Data Type: Flow
#> Modifications: annual max
#> Start: 2008
#> End: 2022
#> Time Step: Annual Unstable
#> Easting: 378235
#> Northing: 276165
#> Longitude: -2.321186
#> Latitude: 52.383072
#> ── Public: ──
#>     dateTime annualMax
#>        <int>     <num>
#>  1:     2008       213
#>  2:     2009       312
#>  3:     2010       248
#>  4:     2011       346
#>  5:     2012       360
#>  6:     2013       376
#>  7:     2014       443
#>  8:     2015       320
#>  9:     2016       323
#> 10:     2017       221
#> 11:     2018       255
#> 12:     2019       375
#> 13:     2020       523
#> 14:     2021       496
#> 15:     2022       470
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()

# Calculate hydroYear max
# Hydrological years need to be calculated for this. The `hydroYearDay()` function can be piped into the operation.
bewdley$hydroYearDay()$dataAgg(type = "hydroYear", method = "max")
#>  Calculating hydrological year and day
#>  Calculating hydrological year and day [10s]
#>  Allocating function riskyData::hydroYearAgg
#>  Allocating function riskyData::hydroYearAgg [20ms]
#>  Computing hydroYear max
#>  Computing hydroYear max [68ms]
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container [25ms]
#> ── Class: HydroAggs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Private: ──
#> Data Type: Aggregated - hydroYear max
#> Station name: Bewdley
#> WISKI ID: 2001
#> Data Type: Flow
#> Modifications: hydroYear max
#> Start:
#> End:
#> Time Step: Hydrological Year Unstable
#> Easting: 378235
#> Northing: 276165
#> Longitude: -2.321186
#> Latitude: 52.383072
#> ── Public: ──
#>     hydroYear hydroYearMax
#>         <num>        <num>
#>  1:      2009          213
#>  2:      2010          312
#>  3:      2011          346
#>  4:      2012          266
#>  5:      2013          376
#>  6:      2014          443
#>  7:      2015          250
#>  8:      2016          323
#>  9:      2017          208
#> 10:      2018          255
#> 11:      2019          291
#> 12:      2020          523
#> 13:      2021          496
#> 14:      2022          470
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()

# Calculate total hourly flow
# Flow has to be converted to volume. The `asVol()` function can be piped into the operation.
bewdley$asVol()$dataAgg(type = "hourly", method = "sum")
#>  Calculating volumes
#>  Calculating volumes [29ms]
#>  Allocating function riskyData::hourlyAgg
#>  Allocating function riskyData::hourlyAgg [28ms]
#>  Computing hourly sum
#>  Computing hourly sum [7.8s]
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container
#>  Exporting to HydroAggs container [13ms]
#> ── Class: HydroAggs ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> ── Private: ──
#> Data Type: Aggregated - hourly sum
#> Station name: Bewdley
#> WISKI ID: 2001
#> Data Type: Flow
#> Modifications: hourly sum
#> Start: 2008-10-01 9
#> End: 2022-10-01 8
#> Time Step: Hourly Unstable
#> Easting: 378235
#> Northing: 276165
#> Longitude: -2.321186
#> Latitude: 52.383072
#> ── Public: ──
#>              dateTime hourlySum
#>                <char>     <num>
#>      1:  2008-10-01 9     91800
#>      2: 2008-10-01 10     92700
#>      3: 2008-10-01 11     92880
#>      4: 2008-10-01 12     92610
#>      5: 2008-10-01 13     92610
#>     ---                        
#> 122708:  2022-10-01 4     40140
#> 122709:  2022-10-01 5     40680
#> 122710:  2022-10-01 6     42030
#> 122711:  2022-10-01 7     42480
#> 122712:  2022-10-01 8     41940
#> For more details use the $methods() function, the format should be as
#> `Object_name`$methods()